SAE Publications

Service Delivery for Vulnerable Populations
New Directions in Behavioral Health

Service Delivery for Vulnerable Populations

Steven A. Estrine, PhD
Robert Hettenbach, MPS
Heidi Arthur, LMSW
Maria Messina, PhD

“[This book] provides a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities for all of us working with vulnerable populations to develop thoughtful, workable is an encyclopedia of resources and creative options for service to veterans, the homeless, the elderly. [It] challenges us to think creatively and develop programs and services for the people in our society who are most often overlooked and forgotten.”

Alan E. Siegel, EdD
Chief, Mental Health Service, MIT
Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology
Harvard Medical School

To review additional information and to order the book, visit Springer Publications website or click here.

Raised by the Church

Raised by the Church

Edward Rohs
Judith Estrine

"A fascinating and riveting story of how a boy grew into manhood despite family alienation and the perils of institutional life."

William Seraille
Lehman College
                     City University of New York

To review additional information and to order the book, visit Fordham University Press website or click here.